Thursday, February 26, 2009


Lady Bunny announces, Leigh Bowery gives birth.  Incredible.

Monday, February 23, 2009


Dustin Lance Black, screenwriter of Milk.  Did you see him crying when Sean Penn said to stop the hate and legalize gay marriage on the Academy Awards last night?  Oh my god, if there is anything i love in this world its a talented man who cries.  PLUS LOOK AT HIS FACE.

Things I look forward to:
Metric's new album "Fantasies"  new single "Help I'm Alive," my thoughts exactly goddamn.
Reading "Our Lady of the Flowers" by Jean Genet
The Yeah Yeah Yeah's new album "It's Blitz!"

Thursday, February 19, 2009


Knotan is a Swedish photographer/fashion photographer.  Unspeakably trendy but some great images.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


I was on a battle ship and it was pitch black outside, the ocean was dark, and we were at war, it was the Austrians vs the Japanese.  I don't know which i was, I must have been Austrian.  I remember being in a hidden passage under a stairway in the bowels of the ship and the room was stuffed to the brim with porcelain pugs and porcelain courtiers with parasols and porcelain babies.  My mother was there, I was a child in this dream and she asked, "why are all the sculptures in here?" and I responded. "so they don't get broken by the bombs."  Everything in the dream was lit by dim lamps.   There were weird scenes where we were battling with distant lights from the Japanese ships across a span of water but the 'bombs' looked a lot like fireworks.  The deck of the ship kept dipping into the water and it would spill over the rails, which was terrifying.  Everybody was dressed in Victorian clothing, or sort of Edwardian, and then some important head of state was coming aboard and we all had to pretend that we were not at war so all the best decorations got put out, and everything looked like versailles, and it was all chandelierrey and I was with a maid who was being very clingy and I looked over this balcony in the ship's ballroom and my mom was all alone on this couch in the center of the ballroom below us and i told the maid I had to go help my mom convince the colonel that we were not at war, that she couldn't do that alone.

DREAMS, I always always dream about water, I was on a steam-boat in a dream from a week ago, and its often pitch black...darker than it ever is naturally, spooky...I feel like this might be me missing true darkness or true night because the minneapolis sky at night is always that damned purple color.


I saw Antony and the Johnsons perform this past Saturday, the fourteenth.  They played the Pantages theatre.  It was really great, a sophisticated crowd, lots of tweed.  The lighting was strange, it would 'swell' sorta.  For the first half of the set, I'd say it never rose above candlelight, but then as he progressed to their more ballad like selections it would rise and you could actually see him.  It made me laugh a little because it was so mysterious and it seemed a little 'elephant man is coming turn the lights down low...'  They played everything I wanted to hear with the exception of "Hope Mountain."  The Beyonce "Crazy in Love" cover made it.  I was pleased.

He was completely charming and eccentric.  For long periods after some of the songs he would silently stare off in space and stroke the piano.  Oh and he would intermittently snap his fingers really close to his face while singing, like someone coaxing spirits.

I also discovered that Antony Hegarty does some visual work.  Its very much complimentary to his music, and makes me think I could somewhat faithfully record my dreams visually.  Something to work towards.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Sweet Savers Find.  Diana Ross' "Silk Electric", sleeve design by Andy Warhol.  I don't really care for Diana's music of this era, although it might be when her hair was at its biggest.